Covid 19 Detection

Get Solutions Co., Ltd. is collaborating with Chiang Mai University's Research Center for Quantum Technology in creating a point-of-entry screening room that can detect COVID-19 carriers in real time. Our technology offers drastic improvement in COVID-19 infection sorting process in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, scalability, time to diagnosis, adaptability to other viruses and bacteria, and cost per test. We have a proof-ofconcept prototype ready and are raising THB 100 million to commercialize this technology within six months. We are looking for visionary investors who want to unlock international trade and travels, accelerate recovery from the global economic recession, and free mankind from the fear of viruses.
The Global Threat
With over 45 million cases of infection, 45 thousands alone in Myanmar (10/01/2020), and over a million deaths, the COVID-19 pandemic has internationally wreaked havoc and provoked risk on healthcare industry on an immeasurable scale. To curb the spread, an effective and efficient method to test for an infection is necessary. Currently, the most reliable method to test if the person is infected is to conduct a tissue swab, culture growth, and gene mapping. This process can take hours to days, is expensive, and is hard to scale up. International communities are in grave need for a cheaper, rapid, and scalable testing method that can provide immediate result.
The Spreading
Research has shown that COVID-19 can be contaminated through airborne droplets as well as direct contacts, which means that the virus marker can be detected in the breath of carriers. Our device uses nano-interferometric biosensor that can automatically detect and send out alarm if the person’s breath contains virus particles.
The Solution
The device, an outgrowth from our quantum research and technology development, comprises two laser waveguides, one of which was coated with COVID-19 antibody. Specific binding of an antigen-antibody complex on one leg would generate interference pattern shift at the CCD.
The Interferometric Nano-biosensor
The images are analyzed by highly-trained artificial intelligence (AI) while all processes are synchronized using a chip-scale atomic clock.
The Core Package
We have developed a quantum-based, laser-interferometric, non-invasive, breath-analyzing nano-technology that allows us to instantly diagnose if the person is a potential COVID-19 carrier in few seconds. The detection only requires one gentle exhale in similar manner to typical breathalyzer. We have successfully developed a proof-of-concept prototype.
An Innovative Point-of-Entry Screening
The diagnosis tool mentioned can be fitted inside a negative pressure room, hence creating a screening room that can contain the individual inside and safely curb the contagion if she/he is tested positive. This screening room can be mass-manufactured and placed in entry points of high-contagion-risk areas, such as airports, malls, stadiums, or office buildings to provide real-time COVID-19 carrier screening. Positive result would activate alarm and air-tight the compartment, ready for the PCR test. Our noninvasive screening takes only few seconds with no test preparation required.
Whole-Time Safety
Thought the best technology available to mankind, we believe that the “New Normal” must be globally indifferent and manageable. Once we have received the investment fund, we will accelerate our R&D process to complete the design of our commercial prototype within six month.
On-target Economic Impacts
We aim for escaping from lockdown and social distancing by detection of airborne COVID-19 in airplane, trains, buses, all kinds of transportation, including entire gathering in closed space e.g. schools, supermarkets, conference rooms, offices. Accelerating the opening of the 2020 Summer Olympics in 2021 is on the top of our list.
Together to Create Global Controllable New-Normal
We are looking for investors who would like to participate in our THB 100 million investment round,
with minimum investment of THB 10 million for each investor.
Please contact
Mr. Waranont Anukool,
Ph.D.,Director of the Research Center for Quantum Technology
at +66 89-191-2122
Miss Pittayaphorn Pumpuang, Research Center for
Quantum Technology
at +66 931837474